2024 Submission 8


Timestamp: 2024/03/02 00:57:32

SG: Technical Community

Submission: State Digital Equity windfall, how best to deploy?

Links: "On Feb 29 2024, all 50 States, D.C., and Puerto Rico submitted their Digital Equity Plans to the NTIA. This year alone, nearly $800 million will be available to states through the State Capacity Grant program. https://www.internetforall.gov/blog/first-time-all-states-will-have-plan-address-digital-equity Panel could include Angela Thi Bennett of NDIA, someone from NDIA, and a couple of state officers. One that I know is Jodia Vanel (NY), who can be seen at https://youtu.be/-mAmmSdJbkM?t=2035"

Issue Areas: Access and Digital Inclusion